Pierce County CHW Workforce Assessment
The purpose of this comprehensive assessment was to better understand the community health worker workforce in Pierce County and identify how they can play a bigger role in reducing chronic disease inequities.
Pierce County has documented significant health inequities in low income and communities of color as one of the county’s top health concerns. Recognizing the critical role of community health workers in addressing community concerns, the purpose of this comprehensive assessment was to better understand the CHW workforce in Pierce County and identify how they can play a bigger role in reducing chronic disease inequities.
With more than 600 respondents representing 53 Pierce County zip codes, this is the largest workforce assessment to date of CHWs in Pierce County.
On average, CHWs feel only somewhat equipped to meet community needs. One in four said they needed training on general CHW skills, and nearly one in five wanted training on specific health conditions. Diabetes and chronic disease were the most requested training topics.
Lack of paid work, low wages and work hours are the greatest threats to the CHW workforce in Pierce County, and Washington State.
Read the full report: